Ok, so I went for it and now have a fourth sponsored child! This is really the last though until Ella graduates. Four works well for me - both financially and just because the number is one that's had a lot of good meaning in my life. I had a short list of children I was looking at but when I went browsing one last time, well, I kept being drawn back to Ada. I couldn't figure out why. I mean, she's adorable, but there are many adorable kids! She wasn't from one of the two countries I sponsor from, she's younger than the others, her family wasn't under $100 (partially because she's not from the previously referenced two countries), and well...yeah. But something kept drawing me back, and then BAM! I realized she shared my birthday! It was meant to be. She will be 7 on October 10th.
She has a now three-year old younger sister named Jennifer (her age just changed so it must have been this week!). She lives with her parents: Francisco, her father, who is a daily worker and Cristina, the mother, who is a homemaker. According to her report she is not in school because "She is too young" but that's from October of last year. I'm hoping she will have started school on the next report. Her house does have electricity, a latrine, and running water. Perhaps the worst part of the house though is the floor which is just dirt.
I'm excited to watch Ada grow! I'll be sending off a little package to her in the next week or so to give her some presents before her birthday. I got some shirts, coloring book, crayons, tablets that turn into animals when put in water, etc. It will be my first direct package so I hope it makes it without problems!